Did you know that your heart disease claims more then one million lives per year making it the leading cause of death in both man and women in the united state that are worst part is that nearly half of the heart attack occur without prior symptoms or warming sign while some risk factors like family history and age are out of your control there are choice that can improve your heart heart health and this include knowing what not to do today articular we'll tell your habits yo should avoid
1.Drinking Excess Alcohol
A daily glass of red wine has health benefit excessive Alcohol is linked to Health Problem drinking more than three drinks per day can have toxic effect in your heart it can be lead to high blood pressure and enlarged and weakened heart and high level of fat store in your body a good role of heart and thumb have no more than one drink for women and on more than two of man how many drinks for do
2.Ignoring Your Sleep
Ignoring Your Sleep snoring can be sign of sleep neap a disorder in which your breathing starts and stop thoughts the night this cause sudden your oxygen level which spikes your blood pressure and strains your hearts if you wake up horse throats or partner snoring heavy bring it up to you doctor your sleep matters too as research has shown a link between sleep deprivation and heart problem remember to aim for eight hour each night
3.Sitting For Hour
Regularly sitting for multiple hour at a time can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke even if your excersice regularly reasch has linked plonged sitting with obesity high blood pressure and an increase likelihood of death from hearth disease and cancer expert think the lack of activity effect the level of fats and suger in your blood you can contreact this risk of moving whenever you can talking walks around the office or even using a standing desk
4.Over Eating
Everyone biggest concern from over eating trend to be weight gain or may be stomachs but filling up your plate up with second and third can cause way bigger issues heavy meal can also trigger heart attack or heart failure especially if you are dealing already with a heart issue like heart disease when you eat a lot of food at once the stomach expands and the body shift your blood your heart yo the digestive system in people who already have a blackage in their arteries any diversion of blood away from the result can result it chest pain
Most people smoking is bad habit for lungs but it just for your bad hearts it harms your heart by damaging your blood vessels and raseing your blood pressure it also keep your body from getting enough oxygen in your body even being around other people while they can cause serious damage
Stress trying to get the kid to the school bus on time meeting deadlines work or paying an unexpected your home improvement bill can be all culprits for stress if you are constantly feeling the sideffect of stress your body can feel your consequence it can cause your heart rate to become erratic it is also known cause inflammation in the body if you are constant in the state of stress your body is in unhealthy state all the time may cause some serious heart damage
7.Not Flossing
Your dentist is right flossing is important but not just for your teeth a study of found that people with coronary heart disease who flossed experience fewer heart problem what's the connection study how the bacteria studies associated with gums disease promote inflammation in the body and inflammation can be risked for heart disease a variety of flossing tool available to make the task a little easier in hard to reach areas from flossing pick to headers that guide the floss
8.Overeating Salt
Salt excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure a risk of factor of heart diease avioding the salt Shaker is not to difficulty but what about hidden sodium foods including canned vegetalbes and soup lunch meat frozen dinner chips and other salt snacks account for most of the salt amercia eat be sure to read nutrition label and compare products choose the one lowest daily value for sodium a rule of thumbs to follow eat less than 1500 milligram sodium per day
9. You Watch Too Much TV
Manny people probably admit watching TV is their favourite hobby but you while your brains love getting sucked into those netflix marathones your heart is not a big fan in a 2019 study reaserch found those 4 hour who watch more then four hour tv per day are at as a 50% greater risk of heart diaease and premature death than those who watch less then 2 hour daily
10.Eating Too Much Red Meat
if red meat is on your palte on every night of the week it's time to cut back this is because there's a creelation between the increase consumption of red meat nd heart diasecse the more red meat the higher blood coretueral trend to beceause of that you should only eat red meat red moderation or better yet avoide it altogether