The Heart is universal symbol of love when you fall in love your Heart rate Quicken and pound in your chest but the organ responsible for the love isn't actually your Heart is brain when you Brain falls in love its send electrical to rest of your body specifically your heart your guts so that pounding your chest those butterfly in your stomach and that's your brain says i think i am falling in love 
10 Surprising Facts About Real Love

1.Change your body 

There's an endless lists of cliches assassinated with love someone in love might say i can't say thinking about i can't eat i can't sleep i am miserable as melodramatic as they sound love can significant impact your regular body system like your hunger and sleep cycle when you fall in love your brain release a flurry of neurotransmitter these chemical create a range of sensation from stress th europium while neurotransmitter effect your mood and your preconception they also modulate your physical functions rush of dopamine for example make it harder to fall in sleep the stress homeroom cortisol can take away your appetite end your oxymoronic the curdle hormone can increase your heart rate so when you fall in love your body change in strange ways so don't be surprised when your systems go haywire

2.Obsession in disguise 

Have you ever been obsessed with person or an idea obsession is an unique human experiences you care so deeply about something that it consumes your it preoccupy your thoughts and it intrudes into every aspect of you life but the answer me this what's the difference between love and and obsession neurologically not much love and obsession activate the similar parts of the brain the two words have different cogitation but inside your brain they are one and same 

3.Lust vs Love 

Has anyone ever told you are in lust not in love is there a difference between feeling of Lust and feeling of love lust is characterized by physical desire and short term infatuation often time you are attracted to the idea or potential of partner not the person themselves and that's why feeling of lust come they quickly and go love on the other hand possession there investment you make in specif in person you love a person who they are not and who they could be that makes in love more power in lust 

4.Love Sickness 

Love sickness is not a real sickness its tumultuous cocktail and confusing emotion and overwhelming homerooms even through love sickness is a not real sickness negative impact your health it turn out love sickness create enough stress in your body and decrease your immense response when your immense system is weak your body is valuable to infection like the common cold love sickness might not be a illness but it can make your sick 

5.Stress Relief   

How do you leave stress some people mediate or exercise others keep journals and practice create hobbies and but if you want to get the rid the of your stress instantly then all you have to do is touch your partner physical contact between loving partner dramatically decrease stress maybe you had a long day of work  or family is having a though time no matter where you stress is coming from embrace your partner its a small gesture of physical intimacy but a hug from your partner can also help through the most stressful moment 

6.Thinking Long Term 

Do some personalty types find more success in relationship according to 2019 study the journal of personality continents play a major role in you romantic success conscientiousness is one of the five personality traits if your  conscientiousness person then you are responsible your goal oriented and your industrious but how does your  conscientiousness personality affect your love life love is a long term goal to fall in love you have to control your impulses you have to take your time and you have to build strong foundation so if you are impulsive and short sighted love then there are good chance your love is not going to last but if you are patient and reliable and studied like this one say your love could go your distance  p

7.Social Confidence

Do people get more attention when they off the market when your happily in love you appear more attractive to other why because love give you huge amount of social confidence when you are a single you want to appear secure and attractive you want to a good impression to other so you worry what potential partner think of you when you are in love you don't care some stranger find you attractive you are not nervous about saying the right thing or leave a right good impression you are self assured and social confidence make you more attractive 

8.Professional success

Romance change your personal life but also effect your professional life in early stages you falling in love can interface your productivity you spend more time think about your partner than you work but over time falling in love facilitates your professional success or average love increase job satisfaction people work harder and produce better quality and when they are in relationship are happy and stable you can try to separate work and play but weather you like it or not love impacts everything to do 

9.The Makeup Of Love  

What emotion create the feeling of love looks different in the early and later stages of relationship in the beginning love of exciting and euro pic and this assassinate love consist of lust attraction and detachment but over time love become comfortable trusting and emotional so the formula changes the nature or lasting love is a combination of attachment investment and intimacy of course love is not always is limited to combination sometime unexpected emotion get wrapped in the love you feel your partner we may have to reduced to love to a simple formula but at the end of the everyone loves in their own unique way

10.Intimate Expression

We love to be loved nothing lift our spirits and warms our hearts love like the affection of love one but expressing love is a powerful as receiving love just image telling your partner that you love and appreciate that them your gratitude and nursing the relationship but it also strengthens then love you feel your partner express yourself early  and often because romantic expression will help your feeling grow